Le personnage d’Arachné dans le roman Die letzte Welt de Christoph Ransmayr

  • Dorothée Cailleux
Keywords: Ransmayr, Die letzte Welt, Metamorphosis, Arachne, Myth, Ovid, Intertextuality, Art


In his novel Die letzte Welt, published in 1988, the Austrian writer Christoph Ransmayr revives the ovidian myths by setting his plot in a mysterious town inhabited by characters coming from the Metamorphoses, among which the old deaf-mute spinner Arachne. This article aims at studying the function of this character in the novel, sheding light on the way Ransmayr uses the original myth to give him a new meaning. It seems indeed that this character plays a particular role and becomes the symbol of the invincibility of art, despite the weakness of the artist.




How to Cite
Cailleux D. . (2010). Le personnage d’Arachné dans le roman Die letzte Welt de Christoph Ransmayr. Amaltea. Revista de mitocrítica, 2, 23-27. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/AMAL/article/view/AMAL1010110023A
Articles | Thematic Issue