The Cosmic Embryo of Pablo Rokha

  • Pablo Acevedo
Keywords: Pablo de Rokha, Adventure, Poetry, Will, Melancholy, Madness, Laughter, Erotism


The article aims to apprehend, from a perspective close to a phenomenological criticism of the structure of the symbolic contents, those properties of emotion and thought which govern the imago poetica of Chilean Pablo de Rokha, and which serve as intermediaries between the poet’s emotional sensibility and his relation with the world magically represented —in addition to stylistic characteristics and a relevant aesthetic referentiality in the context of the historical avant-garde, which benefit the critical reception of his poetry. Parting from one of the poems of Cosmogonía, an example of a fine exploitation of techniques assimilated from the different «isms»—, the article will offer a general view of De Rokha’s poetics in his first period, examining its relation to the philosophy of Heidegger, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche..., through an odocriticism which separates into the active interpretation of imagery and ideology and into the dynamic apprehension of the intentional elements of poetic meaning.


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How to Cite
Acevedo P. (2005). The Cosmic Embryo of Pablo Rokha. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 34, 159-178.