Autobiography and society. An note on the “autobiographical turn” in contemporary Argentine literature

  • Francisco García Chicote Universidad de Buenos Aires-Conicet, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Keywords: intimacy, literary realism, Argentine middle classes


The article examines a noticeable aspect of the recent Argentine autobiography and the incipient attention it has drawn upon criticism: the assertion of intimacy as a constitutive element of subjectivity. It casts doubts on both postmodernist and metaphysical interpretations and, drawing upon a critical theory of intimacy, it envisages an analysis of the Argentine autobiographical forms as expressions of objective social contradictions. Thus, the article links literary devices of intimacy with the processes of “privatization” suffered by the Argentine middle classes in the last 30 years.


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How to Cite
García Chicote F. . (2023). Autobiography and society. An note on the “autobiographical turn” in contemporary Argentine literature. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 52, 239-250.