Francisco Villa, protagonist of the revolutionary chanson de geste. A historical and literary (re)vision of Mauricio Magdaleno about the military

  • Conrado J. Arranz Mínguez Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM, Ciudad de México, México.
Keywords: Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolution, literary genres, autofiction


Francisco Villa is not a leading character in the literary work of Mauricio Magdaleno, however, throughout his career he tried to reflect on his historical and identity relevance of Villa for Mexico. Then, a wide corpus of literary and journalistic works of the writer is proposed and analyzed to know the Magdaleno’s position about the Villismo and its indisputable leader. From an essentially historiographical and literary approach, the family relationship and stylistic confluences that cross the author are traced. We must know that Magdaleno lived his childhood in two cities relevant to the rise of the military, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes, and there is even a story that narrates the meeting between both. The analysis evidences the presence of Pancho Villa in traditional literary genres and oral tradition, as well as the different forms of appropriation that the literature of the Mexican Revolution made of his figure to read current history.


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How to Cite
Arranz Mínguez C. J. . (2023). Francisco Villa, protagonist of the revolutionary chanson de geste. A historical and literary (re)vision of Mauricio Magdaleno about the military. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 52, 155-171.