California Island and Queen Calafia: Two Amadisian Mirages in the New World

  • Alessio Pisu Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Keywords: California, Queen Calafia, Hernán Cortés, myths, murals


The purpose of my research and of my article is to demonstrate how an imaginary place created by a 15th century writer, Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo, a native of a small town in Castilla, Medina del Campo, has become a real place thanks to the wishes of a group of soldiers guided by the ambition and desire for knowledge and conquest of their commander, Hernán Cortés, to return to being a myth that, for centuries and until today, continues to create the same illusions of those who dared to search for an unknown land that only appeared in the imagination of a man of letters and in those of his readers.


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How to Cite
Pisu A. . (2023). California Island and Queen Calafia: Two Amadisian Mirages in the New World. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 51, 135-147.