Travel, Politics and Corporality in Historia Indiana by Nicholas Federmann (1557)

  • Loreley El Jaber Universidad de Buenos Aires/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), República Argentina.
Keywords: travel Narrative, Politics, corporality, Federmann, Venezuelan literature


The present essay analizes the Historia Indiana by Nicholas Federmann, the chronicle of his trip to Venezuela, and addresses its construction as a travel narrative, the subjects it appeals to and the difficulties it encounters. Voyage and narration are intertwined here with an economic-territorial policy that as much conceives and constructs this mercenary traveler, as conditions the matter of his discourse, the objects and subjects that he delineates, the incursions and omissions that mark history. The proposed reading seeks to question the modes of representation and the modes of constitution of the travelogue of this German to Venezuela.


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How to Cite
El Jaber L. . (2023). Travel, Politics and Corporality in Historia Indiana by Nicholas Federmann (1557). Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 51, 121-133.