A story about trafficking in women

  • Alice Favaro Universidad Ca’ Foscari Venecia. Venecia. Italia
Keywords: Transposition, literature, comic strip, violence, trafficking in women


Beya. Le viste la cara a Dios, is the comic transposition of the short novel Le viste la cara a Dios. La bella durmiente. Published in 2011, the comic book deals with the highly topical issue of trafficking in women in Argentina, which the author proposes a rewriting of Sleeping Beauty. The main character, Beya, is a young victim of prostitution networks in the Buenos Aires suburbs who, after being kidnapped, is forced to prostitute herself and live in captivity. The graphic novel tells the story of the protagonist with violent images mixed with a vulgar linguistic register. The two languages intersect to narrate, from the victims' point of view, the tragedy of the disappearance of women in the hands of prostitution networks. The source text and the hypertext represent an instrument of social denunciation and place the reader in front of an obvious violation of human rights.


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How to Cite
Favaro A. (2020). A story about trafficking in women. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 49, 287-293. https://doi.org/10.5209/alhi.73131