Rubén Darío's poetic trajectory in the light of parnasianism. II: from Paris to Nicaragua

  • Miguel Ángel Feria
Keywords: Rubén Darío, Hispanic Modernism, Fin de siècle, poetry, Parnassianism.


Rubén Darío’s poetry can be divided into two well different periods, taking into account the French influence : before 1893, when he first visited Paris, and the period after that, marked by capital titles such as Prosas profanas and Cantos de vida y esperanza. Once the exclusively Parnassian first Modernism had reached its climax –the two first Azul editions period– Darío assimilated in the French capital the Decadent-Symbolist literature. From then, Darío’s work and with it, the whole poetic Hispanic Modernism changed into the adoption of a new canon. Although this one would never abandon some Parnassian connections, the adequate motivation to end 19th century in the Hispanic letters would be found in other expressive models of a more complete modernity.


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How to Cite
Ángel Feria M. (2018). Rubén Darío’s poetic trajectory in the light of parnasianism. II: from Paris to Nicaragua. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 46, 159-181.