Prose poems in Cesar Vallejo. The transition from narrative to poetic

  • María Ema Llorente
Keywords: literary genre, rhythm, abstraction, present tense, metaphor.


This article focuses on the idea that the writing of the prose poem in Cesar Vallejo is not performed in a chaotic or amorphous way, but, on the contrary, there is a certain systematization or regularity in this process, which has to do with the structural distribution of the narrative and the poetic elements, located at the beginning and the end of the poems respectively. According to this idea, the article explores some of the ways in which these poetic elements are inserted in the narrative discourse, causing as a result the ambiguous nature of this type of compositions.


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How to Cite
Ema Llorente M. (2017). Prose poems in Cesar Vallejo. The transition from narrative to poetic. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 46, 221-238.