Rubén Darío: survival and mutation of classical forms

  • Beatriz Colombi Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Keywords: Rubén Darío, classical forms, Auguste Rodin, lagged modernities


The chronicles that Darío writes about the Paris Universal Exposition of 1900, published in Peregrinaciones afterwards, interrogate modern culture in its blind points. Darío uses as a prism for his diagnostics the survival and mutation of the images of the classical world revisited by the end of the century culture. The work focuses on this reflective and melancholic moment of the 900, when the perception of the work of Auguste Rodin places Dario in front of the crossroads of the new, where the classical figure, or its rupture, operates as a parameter of his aesthetics, tensioned by lagged modernities


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How to Cite
Colombi B. (2017). Rubén Darío: survival and mutation of classical forms. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 46(Especial), 31-40.