Rewriting of Dances of Death in Óscar Hahn y Leopoldo María Panero

  • Pedro Aldunate Flores Universidad de Concepción
Keywords: Death, rewriting, Dance of Death.


This article studies the rewriting of the medieval Dances of Death in the poems “Danza de la muerte” and “Venid a la danza mortal” by Chilean writer Óscar Hahn, and in the book of poems Danza de la muerte by Spanish author Leopoldo María Panero. The purpose of the article is to analyze which elements of the genre are preserved, what changes can be perceived and the meaning of this postmodern rewriting of medieval dances of death. Umberto Eco's thinking characterizes the context of utterance of these dances as neomedieval.


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How to Cite
Aldunate Flores P. (2017). Rewriting of Dances of Death in Óscar Hahn y Leopoldo María Panero. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 45, 405-427.