Narrating memory and exiles. Travel and immigration in "Mar de olvido" by Rubén Tizziani

  • Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Salta (Argentina)
Keywords: memory, exiles, immigration, narrating.


The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of isotopy of family narratives concerning the journey of immigration in Argentina in the novel of Argentinian writer Rubén Tizziani. This work focuses on the social issues and the identities inscribed in the various stories of the subjects linked with memory, identity, exile and oblivion. The analysis reconstructs the configuration of the story as an area of investigation and formation of subjectivity and the travel (real, symbolic or discursive) as a movement of metatextual and metanarrative reflection.


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How to Cite
Bravo Herrera F. E. (2014). Narrating memory and exiles. Travel and immigration in "Mar de olvido" by Rubén Tizziani. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 43(Especial), 101-113.