Border and wound: "Lumpérica" by Diamela Eltit

  • José Antonio Paniagua García Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: narrative space, Lumpérica, Diamela Eltit, decolonialty.


One of the most interesting questions about the study of Lumpérica (1983) by Diamela Eltit, concerns the way in which the narrative space affects to the critical concept of (Latin American) space. The correspondence between the public square and a secret interrogation room systematizes in this work an evident confrontation with the discourses of domination and marginalization. From this perspective, I propose a reading of Lumpérica based on this text as a statement of the decolonization of power and knowledge, in a debate about Eurocentric Modernity and its consequences. This approach will delve more conveniently in the context of Latin America in the last decades of the 20th century.


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How to Cite
Paniagua García J. A. (2014). Border and wound: "Lumpérica" by Diamela Eltit. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 43(Especial), 71-83.