The poetry of carrion: The Fueguian indigenous genocide in the literary texts of Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso and Pavel Oyarzún

  • Lorena P. López Torres Freie Universität Berlin
Keywords: military dictatorship, ethnographic photography, genocide, magellanic literature, memory, disciplinary mutations.


This article explores the reconfiguration of the memory of the Fueguian indigenous genocide (19th-20th c.) in the literary texts of the magellanic authors Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso and Pavel Oyarzún. This process is evident in the construction of a mutable and heterogeneous text according to the concept of disciplinary mutations, which is understood as a literary text that draws on elements from other disciplines – historiography, ethnography, anthropology–. This memory is related to other traumatic events for the Chilean nation such as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) pointing out parallels between the victims, the perpetrators, and the spaces of violence.


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How to Cite
López Torres L. P. (2013). The poetry of carrion: The Fueguian indigenous genocide in the literary texts of Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso and Pavel Oyarzún. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 42(Especial), 65-79.