Illegitimacy and Political Phantasmagoria: A Reading of the Disposable Individual in "Montacerdos" by Cronwell Jara

  • Carlos Yushimito del Valle Brown University
Keywords: Montacerdos, Leprosy, Foucault, Biopolitics, Modernity, Migration


Published in the eighties, the nouvelle Montacerdos by Cromwell Jara (Piura, 1949) narrates –through the childish voice of its protagonist, Maruja– the failed adaptation of a migrant family that tries to settle in a peripheral neighborhood of Lima, Peru. History of poverty, story of violence and lack, Montacerdos is also an abundant text focused in a grotesque hyperbole of the testimonial voice. As we will see in this paper, the testimony of the protagonist, the representation of Yococo and the narrative of their community failure, denounces the inefficiencies of the modern project of Peruvian nation.


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How to Cite
Yushimito del Valle C. (2013). Illegitimacy and Political Phantasmagoria: A Reading of the Disposable Individual in "Montacerdos" by Cronwell Jara. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 42(Especial), 29-40.