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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

The Thélème journal accepts original and unpublished articles that analyze any aspect of the French language and literature or of these in their relation to other artistic, cultural, and literary domains. They will be written exclusively in French, Spanish, or English and will be between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length.

Authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles. The acceptance of a work for publication implies that the copyright, on all media and for all platforms, is transferred to the publisher of the journal. The citation rights of literary or artistic works must comply with current intellectual property legislation.

Works can be submitted throughout the year and should be uploaded to the journal’s website after registering as an AUTHOR. With a username and password, follow the instructions on the link: It is required to fill in the Affiliation field and the ORCID code.

Thélème will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts, which will undergo a double blind, anonymous peer review. The Editorial Board, based on the reports, will decide on the acceptance, rejection, or necessity of modifications. If necessary, a new external evaluation will be carried out, and decisions will be communicated to authors within six months.


Articles should be submitted for review via the OJS platform and sent in an anonymized .docx text file.

To ensure the anonymity of peer review, authors must remove any reference or information related to their identity in the text (remove their name and refer to themselves using the word "Author" and do not include the full reference of their articles in the bibliography) and in the file properties (it is recommended to check if document properties and personal information have been removed in Word in the File > Info > Inspect Document tab).

Articles may be presented in French, Spanish, or English. Works should follow the typographic standards of the writing language (quotation marks, dashes, spaces, etc.). To facilitate this task, it is recommended to choose the corresponding language in the word processing software.

Quotations and allusions to literary works, films, artworks, etc., must be written in the original language and translated into the language of the article.

Throughout the article, the same typographic standards must be followed - that is, those of the article’s language - even in quotes written in another language.

General format
The article will be presented in Times New Roman (11 pt.), with exact 12 pt line spacing, justified, with a first-line indent of 0.5 cm (except the first paragraph of each chapter) and without separation between paragraphs. The left and right margins will be 2 cm, while the top margin will be 2 cm and the bottom margin 1.75 cm. Pages will not be numbered. Italics will be used to highlight keywords or phrases, bold will be limited to main titles, and underlining will be avoided.

Title page
The title will appear centered, in Times New Roman (13 pt.) and in lowercase. Three lines below, abstracts in Spanish, French, and English will be included (without indentation, in 9 pt. and max. 150 words), as well as the article’s key words preceded, in the case of abstracts not in the original language, by the article title in lowercase (Times New Roman 12 pt) with the language abbreviation in brackets ([es], [fr], [eng]) in front. The different titles will be in bold and lowercase (9 pt.) according to this structure: Resumen, Palabras clave ; Titre, Résumé, Mots clés ; Title, Abstract, Key words. Key words in all languages will be separated by a semicolon (;). The first abstract will be in the article’s original language.

When the article has numbered sections, a table of contents collecting the different sections and subsections will be inserted after the abstracts.

Formal aspects
The punctuation system adapts to the language in which the article is written. If the article is written in Spanish, there is no space before semicolons, colons, etc. In French, the non-breaking space is used: before colons, semicolons, question marks, exclamation marks, quotation marks, dashes.

The hyphen (-) will be used in compound words (e.g., editor-in-chief) and to connect numbers (e.g., centuries XX-XXI, pages 22-25). En dashes (–), not hyphens (-), will be used to delimit an aside. In a clarifying intervention or aside, there should be no space between the opening dash and the first letter or between the last letter and the closing dash in Spanish. Conversely, in French, a non-breaking space should be left. In English, em dashes will be used for asides. Em dashes (—) will be used for dialogues, and there should be no space between the dash and the first word that follows it in Spanish, but there should be in French.

Abbreviations such as vid., cf., et al., etc. will be italicized and lowercase and followed by a period. The abbreviations for "page", "pages", and "following" will be "p.", "pp." and "ss." respectively.

Foreign terms and Latinisms will be in italics in both Spanish and French.

In French, the combination "œ" represents a single typographic sign, as in "cœur", "Œuvres", etc.

For centuries, the numbers will be in uppercase as follows: siglo XX (in Spanish), XXe siècle (in French).

Ordinal numbers below twenty-one can be expressed in letters, Arabic numerals, or Roman numerals, followed by the corresponding ordinal mark (ª, º). In the case of French, volées will be used: 1er, 1ère, 2e, 3e….

Text organization
The body of the text can be divided into sections and subsections, duly numbered. They will be ordered according to the decimal system (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.) and will always be in bold and aligned to the left (without indent or tabulation).

Quotations and notes
Brief textual quotations will be within the text in high quotation marks (“...”) in Spanish and in French quotation marks (« ... ») separated from the text with a non-breaking space, in French. If a text or word is quoted within the quoted text, English quotation marks will be used: (‘...’) in Spanish and high quotation marks in French (“...”). When the quotation exceeds three lines, a colon will be placed and the quotation will appear without quotation marks in a separate paragraph with space above and below, in 10 pt. and with a 1.5 cm left indent. Cuts within a quotation will be in square brackets [...]. In both cases, the corresponding bibliographical reference will be placed at the end of the quotation in parentheses following the Harvard system, according to the following structure: (author, year: page); example: (Barthes, 1970: 12-13). The final period is placed after the reference parenthesis. If the cited author has published more than one work in the same year, a lowercase letter will be added: (Barthes, 1970a: 12) and (Barthes, 1970b: 132). Quotations from works by the article’s author must follow the same format and avoid any wording that may reveal their identity. Notes, which will in no case be bibliographic, will appear at the bottom of the page, with continuous numbering, in 10 pt. and with a 0.5 cm French indent.

Bibliographical references
The articles will present at the end the bibliography used, preceded in bold (12 pt.) by "Bibliographical references". They will be made according to the Harvard system, in Times New Roman (11 pt.), exact 11 pt line spacing and with a 0.5 cm French indent. Only references used in the article will be included and they will appear in alphabetical order of authors and in chronological order within each author. REFERENCES TO ARTICLES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET SHOULD ALWAYS INCLUDE THE CORRESPONDING LINK, INDICATING THE DATE OF CONSULTATION IN BRACKETS. The DOI will be included whenever available in the following format: DOI:

In the bibliographic references, the full proper name of the author(s) should be used, not just the initial of the first name. The last name will be separated from the first name by a comma. If a document has multiple authors, the name of the last author will follow the order: “first name last name”. The names of different authors will be separated by a comma, except for the last one, which will be preceded by the sign &.

In the case of works not cited in their original edition but through modern editions, the year of the cited edition will be indicated, followed by the year of the original edition in brackets; for example: Bataille, Georges, (2011 [1949]) La Part maudite. Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit.

The general format of bibliographic references will be as follows:

Book: Last name of the author in lowercase, First name, if necessary specify if they are editor (ed.) or coordinator (coord.) or director (dir.) or compiler (comp.) of the text, (year of publication) Title and subtitle in italics. Any other relevant information. City of publication (always in the language of the article), Publisher, collection. Examples (for references with more than three authors, only the name of the first will be included and the rest will be abbreviated with "et al."):

  • Lefebvre, Henri, (1968) La vie quotidienne dans le monde moderne. París, Gallimard, Col. Bibliothèque des Idées.
  • Nora, Pierre (ed.), (1997) Les lieux de mémoire. 3 volúmenes. París, Gallimard. Col. Quarto.
  • Bouillaguet, Annick & Brian Rogers (dir.), (2004) Dictionnaire Marcel Proust. París, Honoré Champion. Col. Dictionnaires et références.
  • Fumaroli, Marc et al., (2000) Identité littéraire de l’Europe. París, PUF.

Book Chapter: Last name of the chapter author in lowercase, First name, (year of publication) “Title of the chapter in quotes” in Last name of the editor or compiler of the book, First name. Specify if they are editor (ed.) etc., Title of the book in italics. The remaining data will appear as indicated for books and will include at the end the page numbers of the article preceded by pp.:

  • Bénichou, Paul, (1985) “Victor Hugo et le dieu caché” in Seebacher, Jacques & Anne Ubersfeld (ed.), Hugo le fabuleux. París, Seghers, pp. 143-164.

If the language of the article is French:

  • Bénichou, Paul, (1985) « Victor Hugo et le dieu caché » in Seebacher, Jacques & Anne Ubersfeld (ed.), Hugo le fabuleux. Paris, Seghers, pp. 143-164.

Journal Article: Last name of the author in lowercase, First name, (year of publication of the journal) “Title of the article in quotes”, Title of the journal in italics. Volume number, issue number, month or season of the year or equivalent, pages of the article preceded by pp.:

  • Aron, Paul, (1987) “La Guerre civile en Espagne et les écrivains belges francophones: étapes d’une réception littéraire”, Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire. LXV, nº3, pp. 581-603.

In French:

  • Aron, Paul, (1987) « La Guerre civile en Espagne et les écrivains belges francophones : étapes d’une réception littéraire », Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire. LXV, nº3, pp. 581-603.

Press or Newspaper Articles: Last name(s) of the author(s), First name, (year of publication) “Title of the article or column header”, Title of the newspaper. Day and month of publication, page number(s) preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp.

  • Georgesco, Florent, (2019) “La rentrée des idées: renouveler les approches”, Le Monde. 27 de agosto, p. 26.

In French:

  • Georgesco, Florent, (2019) « La rentrée des idées : renouveler les approches », Le Monde. 27 août, p. 26.

Dissertations and Academic Theses: Last name(s) of the author, First name, (year of submission) Title of the dissertation or academic thesis. Level or academic degree. University awarding the degree.

  • Vosghanian, Liliane, (2007) Approche linguistique, sociolinguistique et interactionnel d’un cas de bidialectisme : arménien occidental et arménien oriental. Tesis doctoral inédita. Université Lumière Lyon 2.

In French:

  • Vosghanian, Liliane, (2007) Approche linguistique, sociolinguistique et interactionnel d’un cas de bidialectisme : arménien occidental et arménien oriental. Thèse de doctorat inédite. Université Lumière Lyon 2.

Electronic Reference: For any reference available online, the URL or DOI will be indicated, if possible, as well as the last access date in the following manner:

In French:

Web Page: Last name(s) of the author(s) of the document on the web page or of the web page, First name, (year) Title of the web page / of the website. Available at: URL [Last accessed day-month-year].

In French:

DVD, Video, Films: Director/Creator, (year of distribution) Title of the film [format]. Distribution location, distributor. Link.

  • Samuels, Michael, (2012) Los últimos días de Lehman Brothers [DVD]. Barcelona, Cameo.
  • Watchnig Machine, (2013) Il était une forêt - Interview de Luc Jacquet et Francis Hallé [Vidéo]. Disponible sur : [Dernier accès le 17 octobre 2023].

Photographs or Images: Last name(s) of the photographer/creator, First name, (year) Title of the image/photograph [photograph/image]. Place of publication, Publisher.

  • McCurry, Steve, (1984) La niña afgana [fotografía]. Washington, National Geographic.

Illustrations and Other Archives: Illustrations (figures, graphs, diagrams, tables, maps, etc.) will be included in the body of the text, followed by a numbered caption (Figure 1., Figure 2., etc. or Table 1., Table 2., etc.) which will also include a title, as well as the reference of the source, if any.

Illustrations protected by intellectual property law can only be published if the authors have obtained reproduction permissions, which must be sent to the journal's secretary.



They will be between 1,500 and 3,000 words about a scientific publication in the area of French studies. They will be headed by the full reference of the reviewed book according to the Harvard method (including the ISBN at the end), with a hanging indent of 0.5 cm and in Times New Roman font (11 pt). Two lines later, the keywords of the article will be included with the format previously mentioned. Additionally, the format of the reviews will be identical to that of the articles. At the end, two lines below the review text, the author's name will be included in 11 pt font and right-aligned, with the surname in uppercase letters, as well as their full affiliation and email address.

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