Employment models and welfare regimens. Trends in Europe and Latin America

  • Antonio Martín Artiles Universidad Autónoma Barcelona
Keywords: Institutions, distribution, power resources, social coverage, inequality, informality, liberalism, conservatism


The aims of these pages are to compare employment patterns and welfare regimes in Europe and Latin America between 2008 and 2022. We underline three issues. First, distributional institutions have regressed in all welfare regimes. Income inequalities increased in Europe and decreased in some Latin American countries. Second, models of coordinated economies have been better at sustaining income redistribution than liberal market economies. And third, the main dimensions associated with the reduction of inequalities are occupational institutions, tripartite governance, activation for employment and employment protection against dismissal..


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How to Cite
Martín Artiles A. (2024). Employment models and welfare regimens. Trends in Europe and Latin America. Sociología del Trabajo, 105, 19-39. https://doi.org/10.5209/stra.99292