Interview with Kathi Weeks, author of The Problem with Work

  • Álvaro Briales Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: feminism, marxism, refusal of work, basic income, shorter hours


In this interview we conversate with Kathi Weeks, author of The Problem with Work, recently published in Spanish. In her work, Weeks uses a toolbox that runs through different traditions, from feminisms to marxisms, from literary theory to the perspectives of political struggles, which are useful for a critical conception of work updated for the 21st century. In the conversation, she addresses issues such as the effects of the pandemic on work ethics, the political subjects and movements that may embody the refusal of work, the power of the demands for Universal Basic Income and shorter hours, the paradoxes and debates about technological development and automation, and the critique of what she calls the work-and-family system.


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How to Cite
Briales Á. (2021). Interview with Kathi Weeks, author of The Problem with Work. Sociología del Trabajo, 98, 137-141.