A relentless struggle. Conflicts between local power and street selling in modern Madrid

  • Santiago de Miguel Salanova Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Madrid, urban government, municipal policies, street vending, popular protest


The city of Madrid underwent a significant modernisation between 1890 and 1936. It was a period in which its labour market clearly diversified, reaching new faces in sectors as representative as commercial distribution. Within the latter, the activity conceived as informal, associated with street vending, maintained a growing trend. It contributed to the fulfilment of relevant social functions among the working classes and in certain urban spaces in terms of services. Despite this, its growth generated problems among those who were in charge of city government, leading to systematic attempts to control, regulate and restrict an activity that was not seen as representative of the new times. This article explores the evolution of this process, emphasising both the decisions and policies progressively adopted by the local authorities with respect to street vending and the dynamics of protest and demands for rights articulated by those who were part of this sector


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How to Cite
de Miguel Salanova S. (2021). A relentless struggle. Conflicts between local power and street selling in modern Madrid. Sociología del Trabajo, 98, 43-57. https://doi.org/10.5209/stra.77118