First train and then place or first place and after train?. Two antagonic models in the labor rehabilitation of persons with severe mental illness

  • Segundo Valmorisco Pizarro Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Instituto Complutense de Ciencia de la Administración (ICCA).
Keywords: job intermediation, sociolaboral insertion, multidisciplinary team, individualized itinerary, mental health, networking.


The article aims to analyze how the behavior of labor markets, as well as the resources that different welfare states offer their citizens, are key elements to identify different intervention models in the labor rehabilitation of people with mental illness serious. Thus, Spain is more prone to the model "first trains and then places" (for example, the CRL model), while in the United States it is more inclined towards the "first place and then train" model (IPS model). The analysis is based on the comparison between the last study on the IPS model applied to the case of some European countries, and the CRL model developed in the Comunidad de Madrid. The conclusions indicate that the CRL model presents labor insertion results slightly superior to the IPS model, despite the existence of clearly unfavorable factors, such as the creation of employment.


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How to Cite
Valmorisco Pizarro S. (2018). First train and then place or first place and after train?. Two antagonic models in the labor rehabilitation of persons with severe mental illness. Sociología del Trabajo, 93, 287-306.