Productive restructuring and changes in social labor organization in wine-growing areas The case of the Denomination of Origin Utiel-Requena

  • Elena Gadea Montesinos Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Murcia
  • Franciso Torres Pérez Departament de Sociologia i Antropologia Social, Universitat de València
Keywords: Agricultural restructuring, temporary labor, recruiting, international mi-gration.


In the last decades, Spanish wine-growing areas have undergone significant restruc-turing processes. These processes have not only affected production, but have also transformed the social organization of work. Denomination of Origin Utiel-Reque-na, in Valencia, represents a suitable territory in order to analyze these processes, in particular, those related to the salarization, dualization and the ethnification of agri-cultural labor. This article analyzes these processes, with special attention to the transformations in the recruitment of temporary workers for the harvest. These transformations have produced multiple and increasingly complex mobilities.


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How to Cite
Gadea Montesinos E. y Torres Pérez F. (2017). Productive restructuring and changes in social labor organization in wine-growing areas The case of the Denomination of Origin Utiel-Requena. Sociología del Trabajo, 89, 7-28.