Tact and taboo Sexuality in the care of the dependent elderly

  • Natacha Borgeaud-Garciandía CONICEF-FLACSO, Buenos Aires.
  • Helena Hirata Directora emérita de investigación en el CNRS, laboratoire CRESPPA-GTM
Keywords: Care, sexuality, caregivers, sociology, subjectivity, dependent older adults


Sexuality represents an unexplored dimension of care. The article aims to reflect on the relationship between care to dependent elder adults and sexuality, based on researches carried out in France, Argentina, Brazil and Japan. We are inscribed in a poorly developed theoretical perspective that integrates subjectivity, sexuality and emotions in the analysis of care. First, we present studies that incorporate the sexual dimension, in France, and then analyse various effects of the caregivers’ confronta-tion with this dimension of their work, and finally propose a reflection on the pos-sible approaches of sociology in the field.


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How to Cite
Borgeaud-Garciandía N. y Hirata H. (2017). Tact and taboo Sexuality in the care of the dependent elderly. Sociología del Trabajo, 90, 47-61. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/STRA/article/view/59629