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Revistas Científicas Complutenses
Ediciones Complutense
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2007)
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2007)
1 - 1
PDF (Español (España))
Single-Band Amplitude Demodulation of Müller-Lyer Illusion Images
Ignacio Serrano Pedraza, Vicente Sierra Vázquez
3 - 19
PDF (Español (España))
Inner and Outer Horizons of Time Experience
Jirí Wackermann
20 - 32
PDF (Español (España))
Computerized Stroop Test to Assess Selective Attention in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Fernando Cesar Capovilla, Ellen Carolina Dos Santos Assef, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra Capovilla
33 - 40
PDF (Español (España))
A Neurocognitive Approach to the Study of Private Speech
Dolors Girbau
41 - 51
PDF (Español (España))
Computer Speech-Based Remediation for Reading Disabilities: The Size of Spelling-to-Sound Unit in a Transparent Orthography
Juan E. Jiménez, Isabel Hernández Valle, Gustavo Ramírez, Mª Del Rosario Ortiz, Mercedes Rodrigo, Adelina Estévez, Isabel O’shanahan, Eduardo García, María De La Luz Trabaue
52 - 67
PDF (Español (España))
Constructing Personality Maps, Mapping Personality Constructs: Multidimensional Scaling Recovers the Big Five Factors from Internal and External Structure
David Bimler, John Kirkland
68 - 81
PDF (Español (España))
Fatherhood as a Personality Development Factor in Men
Julia Borisenko
82 - 90
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Perceptions of Self-concept and Self-presentation by Procrastinators: Further Evidence
Joseph R. Ferrari, Juan Francisco Díaz Morales
91 - 96
PDF (Español (España))
Underlying Dimensions of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmental Beliefs
María Amérigo, Juan Ignacio Aragonés, Belinda De Frutos, Verónica Sevillano, Beatriz Cortés
97 - 103
PDF (Español (España))
A Survey of Women’s Social Representations of Aging and Rejuvenation
Flávio Maciel Settembre, Solange Bezerra Leal, María Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira
104 - 114
PDF (Español (España))
Prediction of Longevity of Volunteer Service: A Basic Alternative Proposal
María Celeste Dávila de León, Fernando Chacón Fuertes
115 - 121
PDF (Español (España))
Social Comparison and Perceived Breach of Psychological Contract: Their Effects on Burnout in a Multigroup Analysis
Gabriela Topa Cantisano, J. Francisco Morales Domínguez, J. Luis Caeiro García
122 - 130
PDF (Español (España))
Justification of Violence Beliefs and Social Problem-Solving as Mediators between Maltreatment and Behavior Problems in Adolescents
Esther Calvete
131 - 104
PDF (Español (España))
Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Psychopathological Symptoms in Persons with Intellectual Disability
Maite Garaigordobil, José Ignacio Pérez
141 - 150
PDF (Español (España))
Emotional Ambivalence in Risk Behaviors: The Case of Occasional Excessive Use of Alcohol
Amparo Caballero, Dolores Muñoz, Flor Sánchez, Pilar Carrera
151 - 158
PDF (Español (España))
Anxiety Sensitivity and Panic Symptomatology: The Mediator Role of Hypochondriacal Concerns
Carmen Berrocal, Francisca Ruiz Moreno, Josefina Cano
159 - 166
PDF (Español (España))
Electroencephalographic Intercentral Interaction as a Reflection of Normal and Pathological Human Brain Activity
Galina N. Boldyreva, Ludmila A. Zhavoronkova, Elena V. Sharova, Irina S. Dobronravova
167 - 177
PDF (Español (España))
Psychophysiological Analysis of the Influence of Vasopressin on Speech in Patients with Post-Stroke Aphasias
Sergei G. Tsikunov, Svetlana G. Belokoskova
178 - 188
PDF (Español (España))
The Theory of Thinking and the Capacity to Mentalize: A Comparison of Fonagy’s and Bion’s Models
Carla Mantilla Lagos
189 - 198
PDF (Español (España))
Factor Structure of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a Sample from Mexico
Mónica Teresa González Ramírez, René Landero Hernández
199 - 206
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Fatherhood as a Personality Development Factor in Men
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