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Revistas Científicas Complutenses
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The Spanish Journal of Psychology
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The Spanish Journal of Psychology
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Current Issue
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2008)
PDF (Español (España))
Coding of luminance and color differences on neurons in the rabbit’s visual system
Dmitry V. Evtikhin, Vladimir B. Polianskii, Dzekshen E. Alymkulov, Evgenii N. Sokolov
349 - 362
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Reduced electroencephalographic coherence asymmetry in the Chernobyl accident survivors
Ludmila A. Zhavoronkova, Nina B. Kholodova, Alexey P. Belostocky, Mikhail A. Koulikov
363 - 373
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Mental workload and visual impairment: differences between pupil, blink, and subjective rating
Elisa Pérez, Luis Miguel Nunes, Ángela Conchillo, Miguel Ángel Recarte
374 - 385
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Unless Reasoning
Nuria Carriedo, Sergio Moreno-ríos, Walter Schaeken, Juan A. García-madruga, Francisco Gutiérrez
386 - 399
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Variables that predict academic achievement in the spanish compulsory secondary educational system: a longitudinal, multi-level analysis
Elena Martín, Rosario Martínez-arias, Alvaro Marchesi, Eva M. Pérez
400 - 413
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Writing self-efficacy changes after cognitive strategy intervention in students with learning disabilities: the mediational role of gender in calibration
Jesús-nicasio García, Raquel Fidalgo
414 - 432
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Teacher reports of peer aggression in preschool: its relationship to DSM-IV externalizing symptoms
Josepa Canals, Mercé Mitjavila, Edelmira Domènech-llaberia, M. Claustre Jané, Teresa Corbella, Sergi Ballespí
433 - 442
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Comparative analysis of the perception of school violence in teachers, pupils, and families
José Jesús Gázquez Linares, Adolfo Javier Cangas Díaz, María Del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, Francisca Lucas Acién
443 - 452
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Behavioral problems in adolescents raised by their grandparents
Isabel Mª Bernedo, María Jesús Fuentes, Milagros Fernández
453 - 463
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Adolescents without adolescence: reflections on adolescents’formation of subjectivity and their families in a neoliberal context
Alejandro Klein
464 - 479
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The relationships between functional and dysfunctional impulsivity and aggression across different samples
Jordi Tous, Andreu Vigil-colet, Fabia Morales-vives
480 - 487
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Lipreading in the prelingually deaf: what makes a skilled speechreader?
Isabel De Los Reyes Rodríguez Ortiz
488 - 502
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Anxiety, depressed mood, self-esteem, and traumatic stress symptoms among distant witnesses of the 9/11 terrorist attacks: transitory responses and psychological resilience
Georg E. Matt, Carmelo Vázquez
503 - 515
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Traumatic events and tonic immobility
Arturo Bados, Lidia Toribio, Eugeni García-grau
516 - 521
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Life stressors, emotional avoidance and breast cancer
Violeta Cardenal, Margarita Ortiz-tallo, Isabel Martín Frías, Joaquina Martínez Lozano
522 - 530
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Personality, cognitive appraisal and adjustment in chronic pain patients
Ana Mª Herrero, Carmen Ramírez-maestre, Vanessa González
531 - 542
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Comparison of single- and double-stage designs in the prevalence estimation of eating disorders in community samples
Francisco Javier Labrador, María Angeles Peláez-fernández, Rosa María Raich
542 - 550
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Body-image and obesity in adolescence: a comparative study of social-demographic, psychological, and behavioral aspects
Pedro Miguel Lopes de Sousa
551 - 563
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A comparison of the peers method and traditional methodologies, and risk behaviors in studies of the prevalence of drug consumption in a population of female, chilean students
Jorge Rodríguez T., Ana Maria Fernández, Macarena Valdés C., Enrique Hernández A., Sergio Ramírez P., América Román Q.
564 - 572
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Family perceptions and coping strategies in cases of intersexuality: understanding their significance
Moara De Medeiros Rocha Santos, Tereza Cristina Cavalcanti Ferreira de Araujo
573 - 580
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Maternal concepts and expectations regarding a preterm infant
Flávia Helena Pereira Padovani, Maria Beatriz Martins Lindares, Ingrid Duarte Pinto, Geraldo Duarte, Francisco Eulógio Martinez
581 - 592
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Maternity “blues”: prevalence and risk factors
Alexandre Faisal-cury, Paulo Rossi Menezes, Jose Júlio A Tedesco, Soubhi Kahalle, Marcelo Zugaib
593 - 599
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Maternal anxiety and depression and development of prematurely born infants in the first year of life
Ana Emilia Vita Carvalho, Francisco Eulógio Martinez, Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares
600 - 608
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Evolution of gender stereotypes in Spain: traits and roles
J. Francisco Morales, Mercedes López-sáez, Ana Lisbona
609 - 617
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Rotating item banks versus restriction of maximum exposure rates in computerized adaptive testing
Juan Ramón Barrada, Julio Olea, Francisco José Abad
618 - 625
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Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Beck
Jesús Sanz, Inés Magán, María Paz García-vera
626 - 640
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Psychometric properties of the Reynolds Child Depression Scale in community and clinical samples
Anna Figueras Masip, Juan Antonio Amador Campos, Joan Guàrdia Guàrdia Olmos
641 - 649
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Structural validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) in a sample of the general Spanish population
Manuel González Rodríguez, Pedro Avero Delgado, Anna Teresa Rovella, Rosario Cubas León
650 - 659
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Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Flow State Scale
Tomás García Calvo, Ruth Jiménez Castuera, Francisco Javier Santos-rosa Ruano, Raúl Reina Vaíllo, Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno
660 - 669
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The structure of Bryant’s empathy index for children: a cross-validation study
Amaia Lasa Aristu, Francisco Pablo Holgado Tello, Miguel Ángel Carrasco Ortiz, María Victoria Del Barrio Gándara
670 - 677
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Brazilian Version of the Protocole Montréal d’Évaluation de la Communication (Protocole MEC): normative and reliability data
Rochele Paz Fonseca, Yves Joanette, Hélène Côté, Bernadette Ska, Francine Giroux, Jandyra Maria Guimarães Fachel, Gabriela Damasceno, Maria Alice De Mattos Pimenta Parente
678 - 688
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Otherness in interior identity: a reflection about the Freudian concepts of unconscious, superego, and Id
Jacqueline De Oliveira Moreira
689 - 701
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A Tribute to Yevgeniy Nikolaievich Sokolov (1920-2008)
Alexandr N. Chernorizov, Adriana Dergam, Javier Bandrés
345 - 348
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Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Beck
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