What Does our Feminism Need? Notes on a History “en sordina”

  • Gisela Catanzaro University of Buenos Aires
Keywords: Political Theory, Political Practice, Bonnie Honig, Refusal, Feminism, Revolution, Crisis


This text proposes a reading of A Feminist Theory of Refusal assuming as its own the double theoretical and political key sustained by the book. I first summarize some of Honig's central points on the type of complexification and impurification of current political theory that Euripides’ drama The Bacchae would enable, and on the importance of this new conceptualization for feminist political practice. After that I formulate some remarks regarding the historical process in which this concept has become central for critical political theory and point out possible limitations of this approach to describe the type of challenges faced by the emancipatory and egalitarian struggles undertaken by the feminist movement in Argentina


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How to Cite
Catanzaro G. (2024). What Does our Feminism Need? Notes on a History “en sordina”. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 27(1), 11-16. https://doi.org/10.5209/rpub.91552