Contrasts of Disconnected and Simultaneous Times: A Struggle through Temporal Conceptions between People and State

  • Ana Matías Rendón Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Philosophy, Epistemology, Temporal Conceptions, Social Struggles, Indigenous Peoples


How can we explain the different temporal conceptions of indigenous peoples and nation states, of which one presents itself as a regime? How to make disjointed speeds, approach speeds? This paper explains the contrasts and disparities in the temporal conceptions of indigenous peoples and nation states in Latin America, with the purpose of reflecting, epistemologically, on social struggles. The first section presents the lines of encounter in the temporal conceptions of indigenous peoples; in the second, the differences are established and, finally, the reflection on the contrasts is presented


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How to Cite
Rendón A. M. (2021). Contrasts of Disconnected and Simultaneous Times: A Struggle through Temporal Conceptions between People and State. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 24(3), 455-465.