Subalternity and Hegemony in Latin America. Theoretical Itineraries between Latinamericanism and Marxism.

  • Marcelo Starcenbaum Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: Subalternity, Hegemony, Marxism, Latinamercanism, Latin America


The present work reconstructs the relationships between the problem of subalternity and the concept of hegemony in the trajectories of Latinamericanism. For this, two great moments are established. On the one hand, the 1990s, in which the development of Latin American subalternism recovers Latin American Marxist traditions to propose a renewed interpretation of Latin American history. On the other hand, the fracture of Latin Americanism in the early years of the 21st century, from which the meanings of subalternity and hegemony will unfold. Finally, we analyze the work of Álvaro García Linera to promote a dialogue between the theses of Latinamericanism and those of a certain current of Latin American Marxism.


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How to Cite
Starcenbaum M. (2022). Subalternity and Hegemony in Latin America. Theoretical Itineraries between Latinamericanism and Marxism. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 25(3), 309-320.