The “Democratic Philosopher” and Posthegemony

  • Alberto Moreiras Texas A&M University
Keywords: Hegemony, Posthegemony, Catharsis, Ontological Difference, Afropessimism


This article intends partially to problematize the ontological constitution of the notion of hegemonic praxis in Antonio Gramsci; to produce a definition of posthegemony as a political position, not a doctrine; to risk the notion that, if there were a posthegemonic ontology it would be placed under erasure in the horizon of thought of ontological difference; briefly to engage with Afropessimism as an emerging space of posthegemonic praxis; and finally to return to Gramsci on the basis of a possible crisis of the concept of hegemony in his own work, or in the unthought or not-yet-thought of his work. 


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How to Cite
Moreiras A. (2022). The “Democratic Philosopher” and Posthegemony . Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 25(3), 375-390.