On the Nature of Lezra’s Things

  • Erin Graff Zivin University of Southern California
Keywords: Reading, Institution, Materialism, Sovereign


This essay seeks to trace a defective genealogy of scenes of reading in the work of Jacques Lezra. It focuses on reading as a wild methodological practice that combines —in an unexpected, counterintuitive, and undisciplined way— objects, discourses, and conceptual modalities. A selection of reading scenes from Wild Materialism and República salvaje is analyzed in order to identify in them an aesthetic-political thinking that imagines undercurrents and deconstructs concepts such as sovereignty, institution, and normativity, emphasizing their defective qualities.


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How to Cite
Graff Zivin E. (2022). On the Nature of Lezra’s Things. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 25(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.5209/rpub.75740