Lights and Shadows of the New Latin American Constitutionalism from a Neoconstitutionalist Perspective

  • Jose Mateos Martínez Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Neoconstitutionalism, New Latin American Constitutionalism, Democracy, Human Rights


The New Latin American Constitutionalism was an unprecedented source of hope for the peoples of the Continent, by implying the placement at the top of the legal system of the set of basic rights and ways of direct political participation essential to achieve authentic democracy and effective respect for dignity. of the citizen. Regrettably, the New Latin American Constitutionalism carried within it a series of delays that greatly spoiled it. Through this work we claim the Constitution as an irreplaceable tool to achieve real democracy and authentic social justice, exposing the achievements of the New Latin American Constitutionalism and proposing alternatives to its weak points.


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How to Cite
Mateos Martínez J. (2021). Lights and Shadows of the New Latin American Constitutionalism from a Neoconstitutionalist Perspective. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 24(3), 431-441.