Hermann Heller: the Sociological Episteme as a Democratic Reworking of the Relationship between Social Pluralism and the State.

  • Adrian Velázquez Ramírez Universidad Nacional de San Martín
Keywords: Heller, Sociology, State Theory, Democratic Socialism


The article explores the implications of the usage of sociology in Hermann Heller's political philosophy. For Heller, the arrival of social democracy was pushing towards a renewal of State Theory with the aim of projecting forms of organization capable of adapting to the plural and conflicting character of political society. In the face of this situation, the sociological episteme enabled him to connect in an innovative way the State, the democratic production of the legal order and social pluralism thus ensuring a coordinating instance of social solidarity. Within this scheme, sociology is presented as a central political knowledge capable of making intelligible the constant dynamics of transformation of social trends into legal forms


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How to Cite
Velázquez Ramírez A. (2021). Hermann Heller: the Sociological Episteme as a Democratic Reworking of the Relationship between Social Pluralism and the State. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 24(2), 183-194. https://doi.org/10.5209/rpub.71182