Leer demasiado, no leer lo suficiente: relación, ilegibilidad y lo popular en Alejandro Moreno

  • Carlos Colmenares Gil University of California, Irvine
Keywords: Modernity, Popular, Relation, Illegibility, Alejandro Moreno


This article critically examines the work of Alejandro Moreno, particularly his project to articulate a popular episteme as a way of being in the world based on the idea of relation as a structuring idea/practice of the Venezuelan popular subject. In this sense, the article will focus on his book Historia-de-vida de Felicia Valera (1998), looking for scenes of reading that reflect the theoretical dilemmas that derive from the attempt to read certain Latin American, and specifically Venezuelan, realities, thus opening a series of questions about what it means to read in general, and presenting an object (theoretical, aesthetic, social, etc.) as “legible” or “illegible” within a logic imposed by modernity.


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How to Cite
Colmenares Gil C. (2021). Leer demasiado, no leer lo suficiente: relación, ilegibilidad y lo popular en Alejandro Moreno. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 24(1), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.5209/rpub.69965