Pandora, Destined to see the Illuminated, not the Light

  • Sonia Arribas Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Pandora, Goethe, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, allegory, symbol


"Pandora" is a festival drama (a “Festspiel”) written by Goethe right before he penned "The Elective Affinities". Although it is not very well known, this unfinished piece has nevertheless received attention by several thinkers. In this essay, I comment on and analyse "Pandora" drawing from the critical approach by Adorno and Benjamin to literary work. I also acknowledge the distinction between allegory and the symbolic, as Goethe conceived it. First, I review the Germanist studies on "Pandora" and take their main motives into consideration. Then, I examine the philosophical interpretations of "Pandora", which I consider place the emphasis on its allegorical function. Finally, focusing precisely on the role of the goddess Pandora (the absent centre in the work), I show that the writing in this piece inches towards the symbolic.


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How to Cite
Arribas S. (2019). Pandora, Destined to see the Illuminated, not the Light. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 22(3), 701-719.