The "Extimacy" of Political Adversary. Mythical Guerrilla and Psychological Containment of Political Radicalism

  • Edgar M. Juárez-Salazar Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco México
  • Hans R. Saettele Zuend Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco México
Keywords: Political adversary; Exteriority; Extimacy; Guerrilla; Radicalism.


This paper seeks to link the lacanian concept of extimacy with the political identity of partisan as political adversary problematizing his potential exteriority in the psyhcosocial plane. On the one hand, in this problem, from our lacanian position, arises an opposition with the mainstream psychological concepts about the partisan and his actions and effects in the ground of state political exchanges interpreted by social psychology. Later, we will point out the linkage between the partisan concept and the mytical reference of this one. The partisan myth tries to disolve the subversive contingency, in a more subtle way, from the same mythical structure is intended to control the incidence of this one in the political system.


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How to Cite
Juárez-Salazar E. M. y Saettele Zuend H. R. (2019). The "Extimacy" of Political Adversary. Mythical Guerrilla and Psychological Containment of Political Radicalism. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 22(1), 247-258.