Transitional Justice: Key Concepts and Normative Aspects

  • Marta Gil Blasco Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Transitional justice, responsibility, truth seeking, victims, memory


This paper is an exposition about the key concepts of transitional justice. We will introduce briefly its four basic measures (penal responsibility, truth seeking, victim reparations and nonrepetition guarantees). After that, we will analyse some of the normative aspects and dilemmas that these measures involve. These questions include: opposite exigencies (for example, between truth and justice); problems related with the application of universal abstract norms to particular contexts; the complex balance between truth, memory and reconciliation; a disquisition about the concept of victim and the concept of perpetrator; and a reflection concerning the future of transitional justice.


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How to Cite
Gil Blasco M. (2018). Transitional Justice: Key Concepts and Normative Aspects. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 21(1), 123-136.