The moral point of view of Otfried Höffe’s political philosophy

  • Oscar Cubo Ugarte Fern Universität Hagen
Keywords: justice, moral, anarchism, legal positivism, nature and juridical state


The angular basis of political philosophy in Otfried Höffe is the legitimization of the “moral point of view” to develop the principles of political justice. Since the beginning of his philosophical career Höffe’s work has maintained and defended the “moral point of view” as the key regulatory element to tackle crucial issues of political philosophy. The normative deficiencies of anarchism, and the complete demoralization of the law by legal positivism constituted the starting point for the construction of his theory of political justice.


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How to Cite
Cubo Ugarte O. (2017). The moral point of view of Otfried Höffe’s political philosophy. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 20(2), 341-355.