The Invention of the Europe Character

  • Rocco Ronchi Università degli Studi dell´Aquila
Keywords: sovereignty, living person, persona, political invention, process philosophy, Whitehead, technical procedure, speculative theology


A European political space is possible only if we re-think the notion of sovereignty and we release it from the notion of “living person”. For this aim we will refer to the theory of the experience in Alfred North Whitehead’s Process and Reality (1929). Europe is not a “living person”, it is not “substance” as it is state-nation instead. It is rather a unity that is done through multiplicity (of people, cultures, local organizations), an emerging and not established unity. The construction of a European political space is then a “technical” procedure, with the meaning given by Gilbert Simondon to this expression.


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How to Cite
Ronchi R. (2015). The Invention of the Europe Character. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 18(1), 149-155.
Dossier: Europa