La Administración y la Función Pública durante la Transición política española (1975-1978): una aproximación y unas lecciones aprendidas

  • José Manuel Canales Aliende Catedrático de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: Public Administration, Civil Service, Political transition, Constitution of 1978, Consensus, Democratic political regeneration.


This article is primarily and firstly, an approach to the study of the role that Public Administration (basically central) and Civil Service in general, and the elite of it in particular, developed in the process of political change happened in SPAIN after the death of General Franco until 1978, and that has been called Political Transition. Secondly, it is also analyzed the utility of the knowledge of that period to the present time of crisis of the Spanish political system.


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How to Cite
Canales Aliende J. M. (2015). La Administración y la Función Pública durante la Transición política española (1975-1978): una aproximación y unas lecciones aprendidas. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 30, 77-92.