Jacques Rancière thought: platonism against Plato

  • Wenceslao García Puchades Universidad Politécnica de Valenci:
Keywords: Rancière, Badiou, Plato, politics, aesthetics, emancipation, art, non-identification.


The following text emerges as a result of accepting the challenge that Jacques Ranciere’s issued in one of his texts, where the French philosopher, echoing Jean Borreil’s words in L’Artiste Roi, describes the philosophical situation today as the one that takes a stand against Plato. Therefore, the challenge consists of suggesting an interpretation of his political, pedagogical and artistic theory as the places of Ranciere’s thought that develop within an implicit debate with and against Plato.


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How to Cite
García Puchades W. (2015). Jacques Rancière thought: platonism against Plato. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 26, 201-210. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RPUB/article/view/47844