The axiom of equality or how «never becomes today»

  • José Enrique Ema López Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Equality, Rancière, Badiou, axiom, point, potentiality, actuality.


In this paper, we echo a certain state of mind that, from confusion to impotence, questions the actual possibility of politics for subtracting or disrupting the status quo. In the first part we introduce some theoretical aspects about the impasses of politics today (the «misfortune» of potentiality which to be real cannot become action; or the leaving of a programmatic conception of politics). In the second part, we consider the contributions of Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, and thus we try to imagine a political practice: (1) current, in the sense of making possible now what is declared impossible (equality); (2) subtractive, as it is part of the opening of other possibilities that are not those prescribed by the established order; (3) without a program, but with consequences; (4) universalisable from a particular situation.


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How to Cite
Ema López J. E. (2015). The axiom of equality or how «never becomes today». Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 26, 181-190.