Cujusdam nigri & scabiosi Brasiliani. Bad visits. Rancière y Derrida.

  • Alberto Moreiras Texas A&M University.
Keywords: War, production, anti-modernity, democracy, demotic principle, dissent, government, Spinoza’s dream, revenge, messianism, hospitality.


Is war the ultimate name of being? Or is it production? Foucault says: «war,» but Marxism says: «production.» And yet only an ontology of war, or an ontology based on war as the name of being, can account for the very possibility of democracy as the uncertain negotiation of every conflict of power. The disputation around the so-called «demotic principle» between Jacques Rancière and Jacques Derrida will be explored from the perspective opened by Spinoza´s dream about «a certain black and leprous Brazilian» as the irruption into political space of a certain force for revenge that must in every case be contained and administered. Political production is therefore always in every case already heteroproduction, and it cannot offer either guarantees for permanence or potential stability of any kind.


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How to Cite
Moreiras A. (2015). Cujusdam nigri & scabiosi Brasiliani. Bad visits. Rancière y Derrida. Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 26, 29-46.