El documento electrónico: un enfoque archivístico

  • María De Hontanares REDONDO HERRANZ
Keywords: Electronic document, Diplomatic, Archives, Electronic administration


With the advent of electronic records multiple alternatives of creation and management have appeared, which apparently creates differences between electronic and traditional documents. This article shows that main differences are related to formal issues, rather than to basic features.
In order to achieve this, after defining the basic aspects of electronic documents, a revision of the emerging electronic public administration has been made, evaluating its relationship with electronic and traditional documents, as well as the use of metadata that in many cases hold up electronic documents giving them context and providing relations with other documents.
An outline of the required elements for both traditional or electronic records has been created. Elements commonly found in traditional records have been shown, proceeding afterwards to include specific elements necessary for electronic records.


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How to Cite
REDONDO HERRANZ M. D. H. (2010). El documento electrónico: un enfoque archivístico. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 20, 391-408. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RGID/article/view/RGID1010110391A