Considerazioni sulla traduzione come processo di adattamento: il caso del volgarizzamento dei Fiori e vita di filosafi e d’altri savi e d’imperadori
The present essay moves from the reflection on the nature and characteristics of the medieval translation, from Latin to Tuscan. In the work Fiori di filosafi. Then, it analyses the configuration both of the individual texts gathered in the collection and of the whole anthology, formed by sentences and exemplary biographies. The survey on the collection aims to highlight the clues of a process of adaptation of the Medio-Latin model and of classical knowledge influenced by the historical-cultural coordinates of the new laic and urban context. Finally, we will try to find a confirmation of what emerged from the textual analyses by dealing in the cultural and literary context of the Fiori di filosafi, namely some Tuscan prose works of which the anthology is partially the source.
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