El apátrida Hans Natonek y la (re)construcción de su identidad literaria en In Search of Myself

  • Ana Fe Gil Serra
Keywords: Literature in exile, United States, Linguistic integration, Autobiography


Hans Natonek belonged to the group formed by exiled German writers such as Klaus and Erika Mann, Joachim Maas, Vicky Baum or Hans Habe, who chose to integrate themselves linguistically into the United States during their exile years. Texts such as In Search of Myself are an example experienced by the exiled writer regarding both literal and personal reconstruction. This article examines the similarities and differences between Hans Natonek’s autobiography and other writings by German writers exiled in the United States, with special focus on the causes of his meagre reception in this country.


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How to Cite
Gil Serra A. F. (2010). El apátrida Hans Natonek y la (re)construcción de su identidad literaria en In Search of Myself . Revista de Filología Alemana, 151-163. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFAL/article/view/RFAL0909220151A