Fulgor de Oscuro Temblor.

  • Ana Cortés Martínez Investigadora independiente
Keywords: transhumance, speculative folklore, herding culture, shepherding, contemporary art


Fulgor de Oscuro Temblor is a new celebration of the transhumance of the Los Apisquillos flock, which walks each year from Puebla de la Sierra to Madrid to spend the winter in the rich pastures of Casa de Campo. It is a collective creation project in which musicians, artisans, artists, designers, dancers, shepherds, and actors unite through art to connect the Sierra del Rincón with the city of Madrid. By advocating for shepherding as a contemporary practice necessary to face new cultural and environmental challenges, and using phenomenological observation as a source of inspiration, we recover the traditional uses of wool that were fundamental to our culture, society, and economy through contemporary creation.



How to Cite
Cortés Martínez A. (2024). Fulgor de Oscuro Temblor . Re-visiones, 14, 167-209. https://doi.org/10.5209/revi.97910