Las líneas del errar: cantar lo pueblo, cantar popular... cantar es lindo deleite
To explore the concept of the village, this text is based on three exhibition experiences: first, the intervention-assembly by the collective Operaciones Cunctatio in the Patio of Casa de Porras at La Madraza in Granada (April 2023); second, the exhibition Popular at the IVAM curated by Pedro G. Romero; and finally, the exhibitions hosted by the Museo l'Etno/La Beneficiencia. From these museographic and para-museographic experiences, an artistic investigation unfolds in the form of a songbook, accompanied by tattoed drawings and lyrics, which come together in a kind of non-continuous temporal layers. The aim is to interrelate the various experiences of reading and writing in an attempt to make them resonate and hum along "the lines of wandering with delightful pleasure".