D.R.A.G. (Dressing Resembling A Galician). Identitary Conditions of Regional Costume in Spain

Keywords: traditional costume, Galicia, sewing, regional identities, peliqueiro, artistic practice


Starting from the figure of the Peliqueiro of Laza and the Galician Entroido, this article addresses the mechanisms of identity construction around regional costume in Spain. In this way, new research strategies and symbolic surplus values are proposed through sewing practices and the embodiment of traditional clothing; tactics and artistic production that appear as research methodologies. Each stitch can be a new lens through which to read the story of the traditions of our country. From the wearer's body, different perspectives on the visual establishment of folkloric imaginaries in Spain would be offered. In this case, a theory of origin is proposed for these Ourensan masquerades and reflections on issues such as the identity language of costumes, the evolution and construction of rites and customs, or the malleable analysis of eternal traditions. Creating and thinking where imaginaries end. 

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How to Cite
Corral Cid Á. (2024). D.R.A.G. (Dressing Resembling A Galician). Identitary Conditions of Regional Costume in Spain. Re-visiones, 14, 35-46. https://doi.org/10.5209/revi.97899