Curating “Futuribles”

A Possible Atlas of Ecotopic Spaces

  • Blanca de la Torre
Keywords: Ecotopias, visual arts, curating, futures, sustainability


Visual arts can function as a way to stimulate collective action, rethink our cultural practices, and foster ecological empowerment. Curating - as a speculation device to build narratives, counter-narratives and creative critical methodologies - is shown as an effective space to draw “futuribles”, probable and possible futures.

Curating an atlas of ecotopian spaces implies renegotiating collective memory and the possibility of future memories, as well as developing utopian imaginaries to rethink the world we want to inhabit.

In this framework, collapse and dystopia can exert a paralyzing action. There is no longer room for climate pessimism and artistic practices can also be a way to break with defeatism and work in an optimistic line, operating as a catalyst of inspiration to explore more hopeful futures that lead us to a possible paradigm shift.



How to Cite
Torre B. d. l. (2024). Curating “Futuribles”: A Possible Atlas of Ecotopic Spaces. Re-visiones, 13.
Focus: entre las visualidades ecotópicas y la hauntología metabólica