La creación de empresas de economía social en el modelo de desarrollo local: reflexiones sobre la divergencia actual del caso valenciano

  • Ricard Calvo Palomares
  • Javier González Cardona
Keywords: Local development, Agents Jobs, Employment policy, Social economy


The central hypothesis of this article focuses on the role played by the local development model implemented in Spain since the 80's in the process of business creation, and specifically in the creation of social economy enterprises. Raises the debate on how the model in its infancy, argued strongly for the promotion and development of cooperatives as active employment policy, and how at present, has abandoned this line of action in favor of other legal forms. For this, the analysis of existing official data on the evolution of the two models in the Valencia region, shown by the downward trend experienced in the promotion of cooperatives and on the contrary, the continuous growth of Local Agencies Employment and Development. Finally propose a number of factors, which we believe are the determinants of this process.


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How to Cite
Calvo Palomares R. . y González Cardona J. . (2011). La creación de empresas de economía social en el modelo de desarrollo local: reflexiones sobre la divergencia actual del caso valenciano. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 104, 7-37.