The corporate regimen of labour companies in the New Act 44/2015, on 14th October, of labour and investee companies

  • Encarnación García Ruiz Profesora de Derecho Mercantil. Universidad de Almería
Keywords: Social economy, labor society, legal reform, elements of the type and juridical regimen.


Act 44/2015, on 14th October, of labour and investee companies, aims to accommodate the different instruments, limits and requirements with which the legal regime of the labour companies is set, to the current economic and legal context where they must develop their economic activity. The purpose of the law is to preserve their special status, while it seeks to modernize its legal structure to ensure the economic solvency of the business plan, without weakening the social profile that is required. The new law includes two organisational figures, ‘labour companies’ and the calling ‘investee companies’, of the last one, only leaving evidence of what is to be understood by them referring its regulation to a subsequent regulatory development. Until the publication of the regulation, our work has focused on the corporate aspect of the labour companies by analysing the modifications made on the typological elements and legal regime of these organisational figures to determine whether the law is the necessary and sufficient instrument to achieve the challenge proposed.


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How to Cite
García Ruiz E. (2016). The corporate regimen of labour companies in the New Act 44/2015, on 14th October, of labour and investee companies. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 123, 64-93.